Lymphatic System Cleanse
Basic Lymph Cleanse
North American Herb and Spice Turmeric Power-Plus (60 caps)
Dr. Morse Lymph/Spleen Mild Tincture (2 Bottles)
CellCore LymphActiv (60 caps) (2 Bottles)
Flora Beet Crystals (7 oz)
Cayenne Pepper Tincture (1 oz)
Full Lymph Cleanse
Health & Wisdom Magnesium Bath Salts (1.75 lbs)
Dry Skin Brush
Banyan Ashwagandha Bala Oil (12 oz)
Aromatics: Laurel Leaf (15 ml) & Cedarwood (15 ml) Essential Oils
Additional Products
Lemons (for drinks & enemas)
Enema kit, Implant-o-Rama or Colema Board
Spirit of Health - Food Grade Baking Soda (for enema)
The Liver is the largest internal organ weighing about 4 lbs. It is similar to a nuclear reactor. It creates energy and chemically rearranges toxins in order for the body to be able to eliminate waste. The liver works tirelessly like the heart and damage does occur after sometime. Hepatocytes/liver cells can take ½ a year to a whole year to repair liver disease. The liver is responsible for over 500 metabolic functions including: production of bile (breaks down fats), detoxifying the blood (heavy metals,hormones,environmental pollutants), metabolism of fats, proteins, sugars, vitamins and minerals. The liver is the leader of the detoxification process; all leaders have help and instructions. The best food is celery, apples, beets, dark leafy greens, lemons, limes, dandelion, ginger, turmeric and grapefruit. Avoid fats in order to ready the gallbladder for the 15th and 30th day.
The liver and gallbladder are like the two kidneys, they work closely so it is recommended to also do a gallbladder flush. It is recommended to only be done on the 15th and 30th day of your detox.
Best Foods for the Lymph Cleanse
Celery is similar to lymph fluid, and lots of celery juice is best. Beets, lemons, limes, grapes and berries. *Juicing or eating ONLY these items would be an ideal lymphatic cleanse.
Liver Cleanse Drink
Juice, smoothie, salad
Liver Cleanse Drink
Morning Enema
1 Turmeric PowerPlus cap
1 tsp. of Bitters
Juice, smoothie, salad
Juice, smoothie, salad
1 tsp. Chlorophyll & 1 heaping tsp. of Spirulina (mix in a juice or drink)
Additional Therapies
Food & Drinks
Juice or Smoothie
1 tsp. Chlorofresh & 1 heaping tsp. of Spirulina (mix in a juice or drink)
1 Turmeric PowerPlus cap
1 tsp. of Bitters
1 quart distilled or purified water
A few slices of fresh ginger
The juice of 2 lemons
1-10 drops of liquid cayenne (increase as desired)
1 teaspoon of beet crystals
Take a quart of distilled or purified water and put in a pot. Add a few ginger slices (1 inch or more) and bring to a low boil for approximately 10 minutes. Add the juice of 2 lemons, 1 teaspoon of beet crystals and 1-10 drops of liquid cayenne (the more the better). You can increase or decrease cayenne based on tolerance and taste. Drink this quart throughout the day whenever desired. It’s best to drink warm or at room temperature.
Orunmila desired to have a new servant who would treat his children well and benefit his family, town and life. He consulted a Babalawo (priest) because no man can lift himself and was told to offer four thousand cowries, four pigeons, four etu-chickens, four gourds of goat meat, four gourds of kola-nuts, four jars of palm-wine and four gourds of Ifa leaves to appease Aje (wealth). Orunmila said “That is too much for one servant!” He went out and used his wisdom and found a very beautiful and nice young lady to be his servant. She got along with the children very well and quickly gained a good reputation within the community. A few weeks later his servant died. His best friend Esu came by to see him and found him crying about what happened to his servant. Esu asked if he had consulted a Babalawo (priest) before finding her and if he offered the prescribed ebo (sacrifices)? Orunmila immediately acknowledged his stubbornness. Esu said, “This matter needs reparations immediately. Make the sacrifices to Aje (wealth) right away.”
After Orunmila performed the sacrifices Esu bathed his dead servant and dressed her in the finest clothes. He then prompts her on a bench at a four way crossing. Many people noticed the elegant servant and spoke with her kindly. When they discovered that she was dead they would run away! Eventually Aje (wealth) walked by with her 400 servants and halted the company in order to complement the dead servant. The servant never responded and Aje (wealth) grew increasingly embarrassed and angry. Aje (wealth) took a servant’s walking stick and beat the dead servant's body until she fell. Esu jumped out of the bushes and said Ha, an innocent person has been murdered! He also told Aje (wealth) tht she was a blind and deaf woman who happened to be Orunmilas favorite servant. Full of guilt and remorse Aje (wealth) and her 400 servants became Orunmilas servants. This is how the 401 Irunmole became the servants of Orunmila, Maferefun Orunmila.
In this story Orunmila is the spirit to live, Aje (wealth) is health, Esu is our liver/prayers. When you sacrifice the junk foods and behaviors that make us sick the liver will cause wealth/health to serve you. The liver is the finish line but you must complete the Ritual. Attain the foundations of Health, supplement, exercise and drink water.